Building Measurement Services 6

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Leader in Building Measurement Services

When it comes to getting accurate building measurements, nothing is more crucial than depending on a professional solution. Hiring a leader in building measurement services will save you money and time in the long run by making sure your measurements are accurate. With so many building measurement agencies out there, how do you select the right one for you?

This blog will guide you through the three major “Es” you must search for while choosing a leading building measurement company. Let’s read on to learn more!


The building measurement company you select must know what they are doing from top to bottom, inside and out, and from start to delivery. These factors are non-negotiable when you hire an experienced agency. Experience is crucial because it helps an organization apply previous lessons learned onsite to your project.

You must search for a building measurement agency that

  • Customizes their scope of work to fulfill your requirements.
  • Communicates with you throughout the whole measurement procedure.
  • Has worked on buildings like yours with the same objectives.
  • Can answer all your queries.

You get the service you pay for; therefore, make sure the measurements you receive are accurate.


Having a good experience means offering expert services from kickoff to delivery. The company you choose must be interested in creating long-term relationships. If you have queries or concerns, the team should be capable enough to solve them. The best building measurement firms are those with many years of experience fulfilling the requirements of top property owners, architects, builders, and contractors.

A leading building measurement service provider should feature backgrounds and degrees in the AEC industry, offering a great knowledge base. Moreover, the team must have skilled members with expansive experience in BIM. Every team member should be trained industry experts, having the right expertise, experience, and equipment to offer the information you need.

Excellent Clientele

While searching for a building measurement company, you should seek out an organization with a great portfolio. Apart from that, they should have a strong clientele as well. A building measurement service provider that has a great history of working with well-known architects and builders showcases its capacity to fulfill the highest quality and accuracy standards.

Sometimes top builders and architects demand precise measurements for their projects. With a successful track record with such privileged clients, a building measurement agency proves its capacity to deliver excellent results and fulfill the precise standards of industry leaders.

Final Verdict

Choosing a building measurement company with a proven history of working with top AEC experts is a testament to their quality, skills, and capacity to deliver accurate building measurements. It showcases their dedication, excellence, and professionalism. By choosing a leader in building measurement services, you can have confidence that you are working with a reliable organization that will deliver the accurate measurements you need for your construction project.

So, this is the right time to take the first step towards project success and let us be your partner in the field so you can do your best. Contact Measure Up Corp. to experience the difference!

Building Scanning Services

Accurate Laser Measuring Services vs. Traditional Measurement Techniques

The capacity to create and work from accurate measurements can depict the difference between projects that increase profitability and those that execute profit margins. Inaccurate measurements can sometimes require rework or higher measures, like totally restarting a project. Hence, during a project’s early phases, accurate laser measuring services are one of the basic things that can help ensure an exceptional project plan. Luckily, laser technology can help enhance measurement precision, keeping construction projects on track.

How 3D Laser Measuring Beats Conventional Measurement Methods

Here’s how 3D laser measurement can be more impactful than conventional measurement methods:

1. Precision

3D laser measurement is highly precise. The error rate is almost zero when this technology is used in construction projects. This makes it perfect for capturing accurate measurements and details, like irregular shapes, angles, and curves. On the other hand, conventional measurements can be susceptible to errors because of human mistakes, environmental issues, or device malfunctions.

2. Efficiency and Speed

Three-dimensional laser scanning can capture a large quantity of data faster and more precisely. This makes it a more effective technique for collecting detailed assessments and making digital models. On the other hand, conventional measurement procedures can be labor-intensive and time-consuming, particularly for complex or large construction projects.

3. Versatility

3D laser measuring services can be used to scan an extensive array of surfaces and objects, including hidden features, irregular surfaces, and complex shapes. Moreover, it can be utilized to scan outdoor environments like bridges, roads, and landscapes. On the other hand, conventional assessment techniques may have more difficulty capturing these kinds of features and may be restricted to specific environments.

4. Contactless

3D laser measuring or scanning is a contactless technique, which implies that it does not need physical contact with the surface or object being measured or scanned. This makes it perfect for scanning spaces or objects that are hard to access or delicate to touch. On the other hand, traditional measurement techniques sometimes need physical contact with the surface or object being assessed, which can be risky or inconvenient. After all, there is a risk of accidents, falls, and other injuries that can affect the security of the entire project and the surveyors.

All in all, 3D laser measuring is a more precise, effective, and versatile technique in comparison with conventional measuring methods.

How to Get Accurate Laser Scanning Service

Here are the major steps to follow to get an accurate laser measuring or scanning service:

  •         Decide on your requirements.
  •         Research or compare service providers.
  •         Ask for quotes.
  •         Review and compare estimated quotes from different providers.
  •         Select a service provider.
  •         Book the laser measuring service.

Are You Looking for an Accurate 3D Laser Measuring Service for Your Site?

When it comes to getting an accurate measurement for different property spaces, hiring a reliable organization is highly necessary. Measure Up Corp. provides accurate laser measuring services in New York and the creation of as-built CAD drawings for architects, engineers, and construction experts. To learn more about our services and get an estimated quote for your project, contact us today.

Building Scanning Services 2

Key Reasons to Hire a Professional Property Measurement Company

There are many reasons to hire a professional property measurement company to measure your house. Hiring an expert team helps put your property on the market and measure the accurate square footage of all the rooms. These days, real estate agents in some places in New York need to show people the interior living space of a house. For this and several other reasons, you should know why you must hire an expert agency to measure your property.

They Know Where to Take Measurements

Professional measurement experts meticulously measure every level of the property using data gathered from the building’s exterior. Sometimes they take measurements from the inside of the upper floor. However, with the use of outside measurements, they can account for more space.

They Show Where Work Is Done and Where It Is Still Continuous

It is important to understand the metric differences between finished and unfinished spaces. A finished space refers to a habitable, conditioned area that has been cooled and heated. Usually, you can consider basements unfinished. Although they may have concrete walls and floors, they are not cooled or heated. Many apartments include basements with low ceilings and dirt floors; however, they are not factored into the sq ft measurements.

They Know Their Job Well

Another prime reason to hire experts to measure your property is that they have the required experience and knowledge to finish the job properly. An expert’s precise evaluation will help you decide on the budget and prevent you from purchasing a lot more or a lot less flooring. You may require more product than the real square footage of your building.

They Help Measure a Property’s Positives and Negatives

By checking the ultimate measurement report, a buyer may check out a property’s advantages and disadvantages. The ultimate report usually includes details like the property’s final market value, location and perks, structural convenience, etc. A buyer can simply determine whether or not to do the transaction according to this report.

They Help with the Sale of a Property

If a buyer is dissatisfied after possessing a property and wants to sell it, he or she can do so easily. The property measurement agency will help them decide on a good market rate by providing a range within which they may fix the price of the property to optimize their investment income.

They Help Understand the Viability of Future Construction Projects

Many buyers buy land or an old property with the purpose of developing it. However, you should always check the project’s viability before proceeding with construction. Property measurement helps facilitate initiatives and options. Some properties can be less costly, which allures buyers to spend on expensive projects that may further prove to be worthless.

A professional property measurer will gather all appropriate data about a property, and using the latest BOMA and REBNY measurement guidelines, they will generate color-coded Property Plan Books that consist of floor plans, occupancy reports, comprehensive BOMA measurement area calculations, and loss factors. If you are seeking a reputed property measurement company in New York to reap the enormous benefits of property assessment, contact Measure Up Corp. in no time.

Building Scanning Services

5 Unavoidable Benefits of Architectural Scanning Services

3D laser scanning has become highly popular in the architecture, engineering, and construction industries, as it provides numerous advantages that can save money and time while boosting accuracy. Since more and more owners and contractors are seeing the value offered by digital construction models and 3D scans, they are opting for architectural scanning services

What is Architectural Scanning?

Architectural 3D scanning is the process of using lasers to make a detailed, precise digital representation of a property. This scanning is used for reality capture, measurement, and documentation. Architectural scanning uses top-notch technology to make 3D visualizations that precisely reflect real-world dimensions.

In short, architectural scanning can

  • Support building operations.
  • Document the reality of on-site conditions before covering them up.
  • Enhance collaboration between contractors and subcontractors.
  • Make BIMs.
  • Support remodeling and retrofitting projects.

Prime Advantages of Architectural Scanning

Here are some fundamental perks of using 3D scanning in AEC projects:

1. Risk Reduction

Using backdated tape measurements can often require 4–5 people to be placed, which increases time and causes higher injury risks. With architectural 3D scanning, there is no requirement for ladders or scaffolding. A single laser scanner can capture accurate measurements of ductwork and high ceilings that are beyond human reach. With an individual equipped with a laser scanner, you considerably boost your site’s safety.

2. Enhanced Accuracy

Modern building functions and materials sometimes need accuracy, and architectural scanning does precisely that. 3D scanning allows a high degree of accuracy, permitting precise analysis that can accelerate the ordering and fabrication of materials, possibilities of work, and other procedures. Since 3D laser scanning can capture the whole building, there is a high possibility that you will get all the measurements you need for documentation.

3. Enhanced Planning and Design

You can utilize 3D models and create cloud-based drawings to assess all clashes between newly added design components and the present conditions. Moreover, you can analyze the images before building and decide whether you should continue with the same drawings or transform them into something else.

4. Quicker Project Completion

Project completion on time and within budget is a long-standing challenge in the construction industry. 3D architectural scanning can accelerate the construction process by enhancing collaboration and communication among all partners and offering precise data about the site and present conditions. This data helps avoid delays caused by sudden backlogs or problems found during building construction.

5. Enhanced Coordination and Collaboration

Since 3D scans are accessed digitally, coordination and collaboration among stakeholders become simpler. While visiting a site physically is not possible, inspectors, clients, surveyors, and other stakeholders can get a better concept of a property or take virtual measurements with point cloud data.

Get 3D Architectural Scanning with Measure Up Corp.

Choosing to work with a company that offers architectural scanning services in New York will lower your upfront expenses and help you instantly realize the worth of this technology. Measure Up Corp. is a professional provider of architectural scanning services. If you belong to the AEC industry and want to laser scan your site, feel free to contact us.

Building Scanning Services

Things to Know about BOMA Measurement Services

The BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association) Standard Methods of Measurement are some instructions used by real estate experts. Real estate practitioners opt for BOMA measurement services to constantly measure and describe the areas of different types of properties.

What are BOMA Standards?

These are essential guides to space analysis. These standards are a necessary tool for analysis, research, measurement, data collection, and comparison. BOMA standards directly impact the value of an underlying property. This is where you can give extra value to your clients. Buildings that are not accurately measured according to the appropriate standard are sometimes underperforming. Hence, as real estate professionals, it’s your responsibility to work for your clients’ best interests, recognizing problems and offering solutions.

What is the Purpose of BOMA Measurement?

The prime purpose of BOMA measurement is to allow computation and communication on a comprehensible and clear basis. The BOMA Standard has been a generally approved strategy for measuring commercial real estate for several years. You must note that this standard can and must be utilized in assessing both old and new commercial buildings. Moreover, it is applicable to all types of construction and architectural designs.

Two Main Areas of the BOMA Measurement Method

1. Usable Area

The BOMA measurement strategy assesses the occupiable area of a commercial space or a floor. It is of the utmost interest to a tenant to assess the space given by the owner and decide how much space is needed to keep furniture. The total usable area on a multi-tenant floor usually changes over a building’s lifespan as corridors extend when floors are renovated.

You can use a conversion factor to transform usable areas into rentable areas. A floor’s usable area must be the same as the sum of all its usable areas.

2. Rentable Area

The BOMA measurement method assesses a tenant’s total office floor’s pro-rata portion. A building’s rentable area is permanent for the building’s lifespan. It is not impacted by transformations in corridor configuration and sizes. Hence, this method is advisable for assessing the whole income-generating area of a building.

How is BOMA Measurement Performed?

Generally, surveyors look around the whole commercial building when they come onsite to get a good feel for the layout. They may sketch the construction out, breaking it into segments if it’s a large construction. When measuring begins, they will work round-the-clock so they do not miss anything, taking some diagonal measurements to help with precision.

Hire Measure Up Corp. for BOMA Measurements

Measure Up Corp. offers BOMA measurement services for different types of properties for several reasons, including:

  • helping property managers measure NIA (Net Internal Area) and GIA (Gross Internal Area) to support rent reviews
  • assisting the decision-making procedure in the renovation and conversion of both commercial and domestic buildings
  • helping developers, architects, and construction engineers with the design and planning of change of use, leasing, expansions, rebuilding, space planning, and refurbishment

Do you want to discuss your next building measurement project? Contact us today and speak to our experts right away.

Building Measurement Company

Top 3 Benefits of Building Measurement Services

Clients always expect that a professional architect makes completely precise plans. You can understand this from the issues that come from your mistakes related to a project. Make sure you provide the absolute precision in your drawing to make your projects survive and succeed. Building measurement services offered by an experienced team is the right solution.

If you are a professional architect, you must know how important accurate building measurement is to architects. Let’s dig in the prime benefits of building measurements.

Major Benefits of Building Measurement

Building measurement is highly advantageous for several projects, especially in terms of their time and cost-efficiency, accuracy, and capacity to offer a strong establishment for a project. Here’s how it is beneficial:

1. It Saves Money

The cost of building measurement is worth paying, as you can abstain from further expenses in repairing expensive mistakes made with less precise tools. Building assessment pays for them in making projects simpler and faster to build, without delaying in plans.  To carry out these assessments, professionals use tools capable of making drawings with absolute precision and fewer errors. This allows the architect’s strategies to be as close to their final form ASAP.

2. It is Time-Saving and Cost-Efficient

You should control expenses while attempting building projects. Building measurements highly affect your project’s efficacy, as they reduce the possibility of timely and costly mistakes occurring during the process. A building analysis will make sure that an architect’s strategies are precise, with room widths, floor plans, and room heights being accurately drawn. This enables building work to be strategized cautiously with highly precise assessments.

If a project is planned based on the wrong measurements, the contractor may experience more issues during construction. This results in construction delays, possibly wasted materials, and a rising labor expense. To mitigate such expenses and fulfill tight deadlines, you should opt for a professional building measurement service. This will make sure that you will not experience any sudden issues further in the project.

3. It Enhances Company Reputation

Lowering extra labor expenses and securing services for building measurement devices can cause quicker project completion. Fast completion rates and genuine infrastructure could also boost the company’s reputation. This may result in increased popularity and possibly a better level of investment.

Since measuring resources can sometimes provide the quickest and most precise ways of ensuring successful building construction, investment could reduce the need for staff. A reduction in staff costs can sometimes greatly increase company funds, leaving more money to be invested in enhancing the business, its functionality, and its targets.

Bottom Lines

Making precise measurements is important for making sure that the building’s construction is successful. Moreover, knowing the benefits of building measurement services could help businesses enhance their performance. At Measure Up Corp., our team is highly experienced in performing building assessments. We have assessed many buildings with different conditions and ages. Get in touch with our team today to learn more about our building analysis projects and whether this would be the best-fit choice for your project.