BOMA Standard of Measurement

The Importance of Boma Standard of Measurement in Real Estate Valuations

In the ever-evolving landscape of the real estate industry, precision and uniformity are paramount. Accurate measurements are the bedrock of sound real estate valuations, and this is where the BOMA Standard of Measurement comes into play. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of this standard and how it shapes real estate valuations.

Understanding BOMA Standard of Measurement

Historical Background

The BOMA Standard of Measurement, established by the Building Owners and Managers Association, has a rich historical background. It was first introduced to provide a consistent method for calculating rentable square footage in office buildings. Over time, it has evolved to encompass various property types, offering a standardized approach for measuring space.

Key Principles and Concepts

The fundamental ideas of BOMA standards separate rentable area from gross area. Making this distinction is essential to correctly estimating the amount of space that is for lease. This framework also includes common area and load factors to guarantee that tenants are only charged for the space they actually occupy. The uniformity of the language and procedures employed by BOMA standards facilitates real estate transactions.

Advantages of BOMA Standard in Real Estate Valuations

Consistency and Uniformity

The uniformity that the BOMA Standard of Measurement offers the real estate sector is among its greatest benefits. Properties measured with this standard follow a common methodology regardless of location. Investors, tenants, and real estate professionals all benefit from this consistency in terms of openness and trust.

Enhancing Market Transparency

Level playing fields are produced in the real estate market by standardization. When potential tenants and investors are aware that BOMA standards have been followed, they can compare properties with ease. Decision-making is made easier by this transparency, which also lessens the likelihood of disagreements over space measurements.

Reducing Disputes and Litigation

By providing a clear and standardized framework, BOMA standards significantly reduce disputes and potential litigation related to property measurements. Property owners and tenants can rely on these standardized measurements, reducing the risk of costly legal battles.

Impact on Investment Decision-Making

To make wise decisions, real estate investors depend on reliable data. The BOMA standards offer a solid basis for evaluating possible investments. Comparing and assessing various properties’ income potential is made simpler when valuations are based on standard measurements.

The Application of BOMA Standard

Commercial Real Estate

Commercial real estate, including office spaces and retail properties, widely adopts BOMA standards. This application ensures that tenants and property owners can trust the measurements and base their leasing decisions on a standardized, reliable foundation.

Office Space Leasing

Office spaces are particularly benefited by the BOMA Standard of Measurement. The clear differentiation between rentable and gross areas, along with standardized load factors, streamlines the leasing process and eliminates confusion.

Industrial and Retail Properties

Industrial and retail properties also find value in BOMA standards. These standards enable consistent and transparent measurements, which is essential in attracting tenants and investors to these types of properties.

Mixed-Use Developments

BOMA standards can also be advantageous for mixed-use developments, which comprise both commercial and residential areas. Accurate valuation of the various components of such developments is made possible by the standardization of measurements.

Challenges and Criticisms

Limitations of BOMA Standard

While the BOMA Standard of Measurement offers many advantages, it’s not without limitations. For instance, it may not be suitable for properties with unconventional layouts or unique characteristics. In such cases, adjustments may be necessary.

Instances where BOMA Standard may not be Appropriate

Certain property types, such as specialized manufacturing facilities, may not align with the BOMA standard’s methodology. It’s crucial to recognize when alternative approaches are more suitable.

Alternatives and Complementary Approaches

In some situations, a hybrid approach or complementary methods may be required. Real estate professionals should be aware of these alternatives to provide accurate measurements in all scenarios.

Staying Updated with BOMA Standards

Evolving Standards and Revisions

BOMA standards are not static; they evolve to address the changing needs of the real estate industry. Staying informed about these revisions is essential for real estate professionals to maintain accuracy in their valuations.

Resources for Real Estate Professionals

When applying BOMA standards, real estate professionals should look for training and resources to make sure they fully comprehend and apply the standards. Guidelines for BOMA measurements are provided by a number of organizations and courses.

Training and Certification Programs

For those wishing to specialize in BOMA standard measurements, certification programs are available. These programs can enhance your expertise and credibility in the real estate industry.


In the real estate valuations, precision and consistency are paramount. The BOMA Standard of Measurement plays a pivotal role in achieving these goals. By providing a uniform, transparent, and reliable method for measuring space, it bolsters trust among all stakeholders in the real estate industry. As the real estate landscape continues to evolve, adopting BOMA standards is a smart move for property owners, tenants, and investors. At Measure Up Corp, we recognize the importance of these standards in achieving precise real estate valuations, and we encourage their adoption to benefit the industry as a whole.


What is BOMA Square Footage

What is BOMA Square Footage – Unlocking the Secrets of BOMA

Accuracy counts in the real estate industry. Precise measurements serve as the foundation for all transactions, leases, and property assessments. Let us introduce you to BOMA Square Footage, a phrase that is sometimes obscured in industry parlance yet bears great significance. We will dispel the myths surrounding BOMA Square Footage and clarify its definition, standards, and real-world uses in this blog article. Come along as Measure Up Corp. takes you through an important facet of real estate measurement.

Understanding BOMA International

Let’s first familiarize ourselves with BOMA International before diving into the details of BOMA Square Footage. The goal of the internationally renowned Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) is to further the commercial real estate sector. Establishing industry standards has been a driving force behind BOMA, which has a distinct objective and a long history.

BOMA Standards

A noteworthy accomplishment of BOMA is its collection of measurement guidelines. These guidelines offer a dependable and uniform way to compute different kinds of spaces inside a structure. Office buildings (BOMA 2017) and industrial buildings (BOMA 2012) are subject to different BOMA requirements. Accurate measurements of usable and rentable square footage are based on these standards.

The Components of BOMA Square Footage

To understand BOMA Square Footage, we must break it down into its essential components:

Rentable Square Footage (RSF)

RSF represents the area within a building that can be leased to tenants. It includes the tenant’s usable space plus a portion of common areas.

Usable Square Footage (USF)

USF is the actual space a tenant occupies exclusively within their premises. It excludes common areas.

Common Area Factor (CAF)

The CAF is the ratio of common areas shared among tenants. It is used to calculate the RSF from the USF.

Load Factor (Loss Factor)

The load factor accounts for shared spaces such as corridors and restrooms, which are allocated to tenants in the RSF calculation.

Building Efficiency Factor (BEF)

BEF represents the usable space within a building after considering the load factor.

Calculating BOMA Square Footage

The BOMA Square Footage is derived by applying these components in a standardized manner, ensuring consistency in measurements across the industry.

Why BOMA Square Footage Matters

Understanding BOMA Square Footage is crucial for various stakeholders in the real estate sector:

Benefits for Property Owners and Managers

Accurate measurements are the cornerstone of lease agreements, enabling property owners and managers to maximize space utilization and rental income.

Benefits for Tenants

Tenants benefit from transparent and fair lease agreements based on precise measurements, ensuring they pay only for the space they occupy.

Impact on Lease Negotiations

BOMA Square Footage can greatly influence lease negotiations, making it essential for both landlords and tenants to be well-versed in these standards.

Compliance with Regulations

Many municipalities and jurisdictions require compliance with BOMA standards, making them an essential consideration for property owners.

Common BOMA Square Footage Misconceptions

Despite its importance, BOMA Square Footage is often shrouded in misconceptions. Let’s debunk some of the common myths:

Myths and Misunderstandings

We’ll clarify misconceptions like the belief that all square footage measurements are created equal.

BOMA Square Footage and Technology

As technology continues to shape the real estate industry, BOMA Square Footage is not immune to innovation.

Role of Technology in BOMA Measurement

Advanced software and measurement tools have made it easier than ever to calculate BOMA Square Footage accurately.

Future Trends in BOMA Measurement Technology

We’ll explore how technology is poised to further revolutionize BOMA measurements in the future.

Practical Applications and Examples

Real-life scenarios and case studies will illustrate the practical application of BOMA Square Footage, showcasing its impact on real estate transactions.

BOMA Square Footage Certification

For those seeking expertise in BOMA Square Footage, certification can be a valuable pursuit.

Becoming a BOMA Certified Measurement Professional

We’ll highlight the process of becoming a certified professional in BOMA measurements.

Benefits of Certification

Certification can open doors to new career opportunities and demonstrate your commitment to accuracy in real estate measurement.


More than ever, accuracy is crucial in the ever-changing real estate industry. The Building Owners and Managers Association created BOMA Square Footage, which gives the sector uniform measurements to support transactions, leases, and property appraisals. To help you through every step of the real estate measuring process, keep in mind that Measure Up Corp. is available to you. Adopt BOMA Square Footage to ensure honesty and openness in the real estate industry in the future.