How to use BOMA standards – A Comprehensive Guide

How to use BOMA standards

Efficient and accurate management of real estate, industrial facilities, retail spaces, and residential units is critical in today’s fast-paced world. The BOMA standards are relevant in this situation. The Building Owners and Managers Association, or BOMA, has created a set of guidelines that offer a framework for assessing and measuring different properties. This extensive guide will examine how to use BOMA standards to improve your operations and decision-making procedures.

Understanding BOMA Standards

What is BOMA?

One well-known group that has created industry standards for property measurement and assessment is the Building Owners and Managers Association or BOMA. BOMA standards guarantee accuracy and consistency when measuring different aspects of retail establishments, multi-unit residential buildings, industrial facilities, and real estate properties.

Brief History of BOMA Standards

BOMA has had a rich history since its establishment at the beginning of the 20th century. Its set of standards has been updated and expanded over time to include various property types and new trends in response to the industry’s changing needs.

Different Types of BOMA Standards

BOMA standards are not one-size-fits-all; they are tailored to different property types. The main categories of BOMA standards include:

  • BOMA Office Standards
  • These standards are primarily focused on office buildings, providing detailed guidelines for measuring rentable square footage, common areas, and other critical metrics.
  • BOMA Industrial Standards
  • Designed for industrial properties, these standards cover the measurement of warehouses, manufacturing facilities, and distribution centers.
  • BOMA Retail Standards
  • Retail properties have unique measurement requirements, and BOMA retail standards address these by outlining specific measurement methods for shopping centers, malls, and stores.
  • BOMA Multi-Unit Residential Standards
  • For residential properties with multiple units, these standards offer guidance on measuring floor area, common areas, and other essential elements.

Why Use BOMA Standards?

Benefits of Adhering to BOMA Standards

The adoption of BOMA standards can bring several advantages to your business or organization, regardless of the property type:

  • Consistency: BOMA standards provide a consistent and universally accepted way to measure and evaluate properties, ensuring fair and accurate comparisons.
  • Cost Savings: By using BOMA standards, you can optimize space utilization and identify opportunities for cost savings in areas such as energy consumption and maintenance.
  • Credibility: Adhering to industry-recognized standards enhances your credibility and transparency, which can be crucial when dealing with stakeholders and clients.

How to Implement BOMA Standards

Implementing BOMA standards requires a systematic approach:

Assessing Your Property or Facility

Before you can apply BOMA standards, it’s essential to assess your property or facility thoroughly. This includes understanding the property’s purpose, layout, and unique characteristics.

Collecting Necessary Data

Gather all relevant data, including floor plans, building drawings, and occupancy information. Accurate data collection is critical to ensure precise measurements.

Calculating and Applying BOMA Standards

Follow the specific BOMA standards applicable to your property type. Perform calculations accurately to determine metrics such as rentable square footage, common area allocation, and other key measurements.

Compliance and Certification Processes

To fully benefit from BOMA standards, consider obtaining certification or verification of compliance. This adds an extra layer of credibility to your measurements and can be valuable for marketing purposes.

Challenges in Using BOMA Standards

Common Misconceptions

Misunderstandings about BOMA standards can hinder their effective use. Address common misconceptions within your organization and among stakeholders.

Overcoming Measurement and Data Collection Challenges

Measuring and collecting data can be challenging, especially for larger or complex properties. Implement robust data collection processes and consider using technology to streamline the process.

Addressing Compliance Issues

Ensuring ongoing compliance with BOMA standards can be a challenge. Stay informed about updates and revisions to the standards and make necessary adjustments to your processes.

Tips for Maximizing BOMA Standards

Best Practices for Ongoing Compliance

To ensure ongoing success with BOMA standards, consider these best practices:

  • Regularly review and update your measurement processes.
  • Train your staff on BOMA standards and best practices.
  • Stay engaged with industry associations and updates.

Leveraging BOMA Standards for Sustainable Practices

BOMA standards can play a significant role in sustainability efforts. Use them to identify areas where you can reduce resource consumption and minimize your environmental footprint.

Staying Updated with Revisions and Updates

BOMA standards evolve over time. Keep a close eye on any revisions or updates to ensure that your measurements remain accurate and up-to-date.

Future of BOMA Standards

Trends and Developments in BOMA Standards

BOMA standards are likely to continue evolving to address emerging trends, including sustainability, technology integration, and changing property use patterns.

Potential Impact of Emerging Technologies

Technological advancements, such as building information modeling (BIM) and advanced sensor systems, may further enhance the accuracy and efficiency of BOMA standard measurements.

Environmental and Sustainability Considerations

Expect BOMA standards to increasingly incorporate sustainability metrics, reflecting the growing importance of environmentally responsible property management.


In conclusion, Knowing and applying BOMA standards can revolutionize your property management, whether you work in commercial real estate, manufacturing, retail, or residential. By following these guidelines, you can guarantee precision, reliability, and consistency in your property measurements and operations.

We at Measure Up Corp are here to help you as you become proficient with BOMA standards. Our knowledge and solutions can help you meet the strictest industry requirements, whether your goal is maximizing office space, lowering energy usage in warehouses, or improving retail space efficiency.