measure floor area per boma retail

How to Measure Floor Area per BOMA Retail Standards: A Comprehensive Guide

Accurate floor area measurement is a crucial step in managing and leasing retail spaces. A standardized and internationally accepted technique for calculating floor area in retail buildings is offered by the BOMA Retail Standards. To guarantee accuracy and compliance, we will take you through all the necessary procedures and methods for measuring floor area following BOMA Retail Standards in this extensive guide.

Understanding BOMA Retail Standards

Overview of BOMA and its Standards

In the real estate sector, the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) has long been regarded as a reliable source of information. Floor area measurement can be done accurately and consistently with the help of BOMA Retail Standards, which are tailored for retail environments. In contrast to other standards, BOMA Retail Standards offer particular perspectives designed for the retail industry.

Key Differences between BOMA Retail Standards and Other Measurement Standards

Understanding how BOMA Retail Standards differ from other widely used real estate measurement techniques is crucial. Comprehending the significance of BOMA Retail Standards for retail properties requires understanding these distinctions.

Preparing for Measurement

Before diving into measurement, several preparatory steps are essential to ensure accuracy:

Gathering Necessary Tools and Equipment

Learn how to measure floor area per boma retail Standards effectively, you’ll need specific tools and equipment, including laser measures, floor plan software, and other measuring instruments. Ensuring you have the right tools is the first step towards precision.

Identifying the Areas to Be Measured

Clearly define the boundaries of the areas you intend to measure. This includes distinguishing between common areas, rentable spaces, and service areas.

Establishing a Clear Plan for Measurement

Having a well-thought-out plan ensures that your measurement process is organized and efficient. It also minimizes errors that can occur due to confusion or oversight during the measurement process.

Preparing the Space for Accurate Measurement

Before taking measurements, make sure the space is ready. Remove any obstacles or obstructions that might hinder accurate measurements.

Measurement Techniques

Gross Floor Area (GFA) Measurement

GFA is a fundamental concept in BOMA Retail Standards. It includes all the floor area within the retail space, including common areas, service areas, and tenant spaces. Follow these steps for accurate GFA measurement:

  • Measure the perimeter of the retail space.
  • Subtract any exclusions (e.g., vertical penetrations, stairwells) from the total area.
  • Account for common areas that may be shared among multiple tenants.Rentable Area Measurement

Rentable Area is the space available for tenant use and lease. To measure Rentable Area accurately:

  • Begin with the GFA measurement.
  • Deduct common areas shared among multiple tenants.
  • Account for service areas and other exclusions.Common Challenges and How to Address Them During Measurement

Challenges such as irregular layouts, non-standard shapes, or shared spaces can complicate measurements. Understanding these challenges and how to overcome them is crucial for accurate results.

Documentation and Reporting

Organizing Measurement Data

Organize all measurement data systematically to ensure clarity and ease of reference. Proper documentation is essential for compliance and auditing purposes.

Creating Accurate and Detailed Floor Plans

Accurate floor plans are the cornerstone of BOMA Retail Standards compliance. These plans should clearly show all measured areas, exclusions, and common spaces.

Compiling Measurement Reports in Compliance with BOMA Retail Standards

When creating measurement reports, adhere to BOMA Retail Standards guidelines to ensure accuracy and consistency. These reports are often required for lease agreements and audits.

Quality Assurance and Audit

Importance of Quality Assurance in Floor Area Measurement

Quality assurance is vital to catch any errors or inconsistencies in the measurement process. Regular checks help maintain the accuracy of your measurements.

Conducting Internal Audits for Accuracy

Internal audits should be a routine part of your floor area measurement process. These audits identify any discrepancies and ensure ongoing compliance.

Preparing for External Audits, If Required

In some cases, external audits may be necessary to validate your measurements. Being well-prepared for these audits ensures a smooth process and avoids potential issues.


For successful retail property management and leasing, precise floor area measurement is essential. The BOMA Retail Standards offer a dependable structure for accomplishing this precision. Property managers and other professionals can guarantee accuracy and adherence to these industry-leading standards using the methods and procedures described in this extensive guide.

For more information and assistance with floor area measurement per BOMA Retail Standards, feel free to contact Measure Up Corp. We are here to support your measurement needs and help you achieve accurate and compliant results.


Professional Space Measurement

Professional Space Measurement Trends in 2023: What You Need to Know

In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, organizations are continually seeking ways to optimize their operations and resources. A pivotal aspect of this optimization process is professional space measurement. As workplaces adapt to new norms and demands, staying abreast of the latest trends in space measurement is crucial. In this article, we’ll explore the transformative trends shaping the field of space measurement in 2023, providing you with valuable insights to enhance your workspace management strategies.

Traditional Space Measurement Methods

Recognizing the traditional methods that form the basis of space measurement is essential to appreciate emerging trends’ significance. Companies have previously determined their space requirements through manual surveys and blueprints. These approaches still have their uses, but they have limitations. Conventional methods frequently need more flexibility and real-time data, which makes them less appropriate for today’s dynamic work environments.

Emerging Trends in Professional Space Measurement


Technology-driven Solutions

In 2023, the integration of cutting-edge technology is at the forefront of space measurement trends. This includes the utilization of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensors. These devices provide real-time data on space utilization, enabling organizations to make data-driven decisions about workspace allocation and design.

Additionally, cloud-based space management platforms have gained traction. These platforms streamline the collection and analysis of space data, facilitating a more agile and responsive approach to space management.

Data-driven Decision-making

When it comes to measuring space, data is a handy tool. We anticipate a change in 2023 toward using big data analytics to learn more about the trends in space usage. Based on past data, predictive space allocation ensures that resources are distributed effectively, reducing waste and maximizing space utilization.

Sustainable Design and Space Utilization

Today’s businesses are deeply concerned with sustainability, which extends to planning and administrating workspaces. Many companies are trying to obtain green building certifications with strict guidelines for measuring and using available space. Designing a flexible and sustainable workspace improves employee well-being while also having a positive impact on the environment.

Employee-centric Approaches

In 2023, organizations are placing greater emphasis on creating user-friendly spaces. Employee feedback and engagement play a pivotal role in shaping workspace designs. Providing employees with a say in how their workspace is configured can lead to increased productivity and satisfaction.

Challenges and Considerations

Despite the enormous potential of these trends, there are some issues to consider. Data security and privacy concerns must be considered, especially when gathering real-time data from sensors. Organizations must consider the costs and return on investment (ROI) of adopting new technologies, as integration with current infrastructure can be complicated. Ensuring that the workspace effectively meets the needs of employees requires a constant challenge: striking a balance between technology and human insights.

Future Outlook

As we look ahead, the future of professional space measurement appears promising. Technology will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping this landscape, with the potential for even more advanced IoT devices and AI-driven analytics. Sustainability and employee well-being will remain central concerns, driving organizations to create spaces that are not only efficient but also conducive to a high quality of work life.


In conclusion, the field of professional space measurement is evolving rapidly in 2023, and organizations that adapt to these trends will have a competitive edge. To thrive in the modern workspace landscape, consider embracing technology-driven solutions, leveraging data for decision-making, prioritizing sustainability and employee satisfaction, and addressing the associated challenges.

At Measure Up Corp., we are committed to helping organizations stay at the forefront of space measurement trends. By staying informed and actively implementing these trends, you can ensure that your workspace is optimized for efficiency, sustainability, and the well-being of your employees.


How to use BOMA standards

How to use BOMA standards – A Comprehensive Guide

Efficient and accurate management of real estate, industrial facilities, retail spaces, and residential units is critical in today’s fast-paced world. The BOMA standards are relevant in this situation. The Building Owners and Managers Association, or BOMA, has created a set of guidelines that offer a framework for assessing and measuring different properties. This extensive guide will examine how to use BOMA standards to improve your operations and decision-making procedures.

Understanding BOMA Standards

What is BOMA?

One well-known group that has created industry standards for property measurement and assessment is the Building Owners and Managers Association or BOMA. BOMA standards guarantee accuracy and consistency when measuring different aspects of retail establishments, multi-unit residential buildings, industrial facilities, and real estate properties.

Brief History of BOMA Standards

BOMA has had a rich history since its establishment at the beginning of the 20th century. Its set of standards has been updated and expanded over time to include various property types and new trends in response to the industry’s changing needs.

Different Types of BOMA Standards

BOMA standards are not one-size-fits-all; they are tailored to different property types. The main categories of BOMA standards include:

  • BOMA Office Standards
  • These standards are primarily focused on office buildings, providing detailed guidelines for measuring rentable square footage, common areas, and other critical metrics.
  • BOMA Industrial Standards
  • Designed for industrial properties, these standards cover the measurement of warehouses, manufacturing facilities, and distribution centers.
  • BOMA Retail Standards
  • Retail properties have unique measurement requirements, and BOMA retail standards address these by outlining specific measurement methods for shopping centers, malls, and stores.
  • BOMA Multi-Unit Residential Standards
  • For residential properties with multiple units, these standards offer guidance on measuring floor area, common areas, and other essential elements.

Why Use BOMA Standards?

Benefits of Adhering to BOMA Standards

The adoption of BOMA standards can bring several advantages to your business or organization, regardless of the property type:

  • Consistency: BOMA standards provide a consistent and universally accepted way to measure and evaluate properties, ensuring fair and accurate comparisons.
  • Cost Savings: By using BOMA standards, you can optimize space utilization and identify opportunities for cost savings in areas such as energy consumption and maintenance.
  • Credibility: Adhering to industry-recognized standards enhances your credibility and transparency, which can be crucial when dealing with stakeholders and clients.

How to Implement BOMA Standards

Implementing BOMA standards requires a systematic approach:

Assessing Your Property or Facility

Before you can apply BOMA standards, it’s essential to assess your property or facility thoroughly. This includes understanding the property’s purpose, layout, and unique characteristics.

Collecting Necessary Data

Gather all relevant data, including floor plans, building drawings, and occupancy information. Accurate data collection is critical to ensure precise measurements.

Calculating and Applying BOMA Standards

Follow the specific BOMA standards applicable to your property type. Perform calculations accurately to determine metrics such as rentable square footage, common area allocation, and other key measurements.

Compliance and Certification Processes

To fully benefit from BOMA standards, consider obtaining certification or verification of compliance. This adds an extra layer of credibility to your measurements and can be valuable for marketing purposes.

Challenges in Using BOMA Standards

Common Misconceptions

Misunderstandings about BOMA standards can hinder their effective use. Address common misconceptions within your organization and among stakeholders.

Overcoming Measurement and Data Collection Challenges

Measuring and collecting data can be challenging, especially for larger or complex properties. Implement robust data collection processes and consider using technology to streamline the process.

Addressing Compliance Issues

Ensuring ongoing compliance with BOMA standards can be a challenge. Stay informed about updates and revisions to the standards and make necessary adjustments to your processes.

Tips for Maximizing BOMA Standards

Best Practices for Ongoing Compliance

To ensure ongoing success with BOMA standards, consider these best practices:

  • Regularly review and update your measurement processes.
  • Train your staff on BOMA standards and best practices.
  • Stay engaged with industry associations and updates.

Leveraging BOMA Standards for Sustainable Practices

BOMA standards can play a significant role in sustainability efforts. Use them to identify areas where you can reduce resource consumption and minimize your environmental footprint.

Staying Updated with Revisions and Updates

BOMA standards evolve over time. Keep a close eye on any revisions or updates to ensure that your measurements remain accurate and up-to-date.

Future of BOMA Standards

Trends and Developments in BOMA Standards

BOMA standards are likely to continue evolving to address emerging trends, including sustainability, technology integration, and changing property use patterns.

Potential Impact of Emerging Technologies

Technological advancements, such as building information modeling (BIM) and advanced sensor systems, may further enhance the accuracy and efficiency of BOMA standard measurements.

Environmental and Sustainability Considerations

Expect BOMA standards to increasingly incorporate sustainability metrics, reflecting the growing importance of environmentally responsible property management.


In conclusion, Knowing and applying BOMA standards can revolutionize your property management, whether you work in commercial real estate, manufacturing, retail, or residential. By following these guidelines, you can guarantee precision, reliability, and consistency in your property measurements and operations.

We at Measure Up Corp are here to help you as you become proficient with BOMA standards. Our knowledge and solutions can help you meet the strictest industry requirements, whether your goal is maximizing office space, lowering energy usage in warehouses, or improving retail space efficiency.


How to calculate BOMA load factor

Understanding BOMA – How to calculate BOMA load factor

Understanding BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association) standards is essential for managing and leasing commercial properties. Property owners and managers can benefit from the guidelines and best practices provided by BOMA standards to promote equity and openness in leasing agreements. Calculating the BOMA load factor, which is crucial for figuring out rental rates and operating costs, is one of the fundamental components of BOMA standards. This post will explain the BOMA load factor, why it’s important, and how to compute it precisely.

What is the BOMA Load Factor?

Defining BOMA Load Factor

In commercial real estate, the BOMA load factor—also referred to as the Common Area Factor—is an essential idea. It shows how much of a commercial property’s common areas—like lobbies, hallways, bathrooms, and shared amenities—relative to the overall size that can be rented out. It measures the common areas in a building utilized by all occupants.

Importance of BOMA Load Factor

For both property owners and tenants, it is essential to comprehend the BOMA load factor. For property owners, it plays a significant role in determining rental rates, operating expenses, and the fair distribution of costs among tenants. Ensuring transparency in lease agreements benefits tenants by assisting them in understanding the specific portion of the property they are paying for.

BOMA Load Factor Components

To calculate the BOMA load factor accurately, you need to consider the following components:

1. Rentable Area

The rentable area refers to the total space within a property that can be leased to tenants. It includes both usable space and a portion of common areas. Calculating the rentable area is a crucial first step in determining the BOMA load factor.

2. Common Areas

Common areas are spaces within the property that are shared by all tenants. These may include hallways, lobbies, elevators, stairwells, restrooms, and other communal spaces. The BOMA load factor takes into account a portion of these common areas.

Understanding the Purpose of BOMA Load Factor

Equitable Distribution of Operating Expenses

The BOMA load factor ensures that operating expenses for common areas are distributed equitably among tenants. Property owners use this factor to allocate costs based on the proportion of space each tenant occupies.

Basis for Rent Determination

For property owners and tenants, the BOMA load factor plays a pivotal role in determining rental rates. It helps establish fair market value for leasing commercial spaces by factoring in the shared amenities and common areas.

Impact on Property Valuation

Property valuation is influenced by the BOMA load factor. It affects the perceived value of a property, especially when it comes to potential buyers or investors evaluating its income-generating potential.

Factors Influencing BOMA Load Factor

Several factors can influence the BOMA load factor of a commercial property:

1. Building Design and Layout

The architectural design and layout of a building can significantly impact the proportion of common areas. Efficiently designed properties with minimal common space may have a lower BOMA load factor.

2. Property Management Practices

How common areas are maintained and managed can also affect the load factor. Well-maintained common areas may be more attractive to tenants, potentially impacting the rental rates.

3. Local Market Conditions

Market conditions in the region where the property is located can influence the load factor. High-demand areas may command higher rental rates, affecting the proportion of common area costs.

4. Tenant Requirements

Tenant needs and preferences can impact the BOMA load factor. Different types of businesses may have varying requirements for common areas, affecting their willingness to lease a space.

BOMA Load Factor in Lease Agreements

Lease Negotiations

When negotiating lease agreements, both property owners and tenants must understand the BOMA load factor. It helps in establishing fair rental rates and ensuring that tenants are aware of what they are paying for.

Transparency and Communication

Transparent communication about the BOMA load factor is essential to avoid disputes. Lease agreements should clearly outline how the load factor is calculated and applied.

Avoiding Disputes

By maintaining transparency and clarity in lease agreements, property owners and tenants can reduce the likelihood of disputes related to the BOMA load factor.

Tips for Accurate Load Factor Calculations

To ensure accurate BOMA load factor calculations, consider the following tips:

Data Collection and Verification

Thoroughly collect and verify data related to rentable areas and common spaces. Accurate measurements are essential for precise calculations.

Regular Updates and Audits

Regularly update load factor calculations to account for changes in common area usage or property renovations. Periodic audits can help maintain accuracy.

Professional Guidance

Seek professional guidance from experts in commercial real estate and property management to ensure compliance with BOMA standards and best practices.


In conclusion, In the commercial real estate sector, knowing how to compute the BOMA load factor is crucial for managers, tenants, and property owners. It is a tool for determining rent, allocating costs fairly, and appraising real estate. You can trust professionals like Measure Up Corp. to walk you through the process to guarantee precise computations and clear lease agreements. Adopting BOMA standards can result in more fair and advantageous interactions between landlords and tenants.


What is BOMA Square Footage

What is BOMA Square Footage – Unlocking the Secrets of BOMA

Accuracy counts in the real estate industry. Precise measurements serve as the foundation for all transactions, leases, and property assessments. Let us introduce you to BOMA Square Footage, a phrase that is sometimes obscured in industry parlance yet bears great significance. We will dispel the myths surrounding BOMA Square Footage and clarify its definition, standards, and real-world uses in this blog article. Come along as Measure Up Corp. takes you through an important facet of real estate measurement.

Understanding BOMA International

Let’s first familiarize ourselves with BOMA International before diving into the details of BOMA Square Footage. The goal of the internationally renowned Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) is to further the commercial real estate sector. Establishing industry standards has been a driving force behind BOMA, which has a distinct objective and a long history.

BOMA Standards

A noteworthy accomplishment of BOMA is its collection of measurement guidelines. These guidelines offer a dependable and uniform way to compute different kinds of spaces inside a structure. Office buildings (BOMA 2017) and industrial buildings (BOMA 2012) are subject to different BOMA requirements. Accurate measurements of usable and rentable square footage are based on these standards.

The Components of BOMA Square Footage

To understand BOMA Square Footage, we must break it down into its essential components:

Rentable Square Footage (RSF)

RSF represents the area within a building that can be leased to tenants. It includes the tenant’s usable space plus a portion of common areas.

Usable Square Footage (USF)

USF is the actual space a tenant occupies exclusively within their premises. It excludes common areas.

Common Area Factor (CAF)

The CAF is the ratio of common areas shared among tenants. It is used to calculate the RSF from the USF.

Load Factor (Loss Factor)

The load factor accounts for shared spaces such as corridors and restrooms, which are allocated to tenants in the RSF calculation.

Building Efficiency Factor (BEF)

BEF represents the usable space within a building after considering the load factor.

Calculating BOMA Square Footage

The BOMA Square Footage is derived by applying these components in a standardized manner, ensuring consistency in measurements across the industry.

Why BOMA Square Footage Matters

Understanding BOMA Square Footage is crucial for various stakeholders in the real estate sector:

Benefits for Property Owners and Managers

Accurate measurements are the cornerstone of lease agreements, enabling property owners and managers to maximize space utilization and rental income.

Benefits for Tenants

Tenants benefit from transparent and fair lease agreements based on precise measurements, ensuring they pay only for the space they occupy.

Impact on Lease Negotiations

BOMA Square Footage can greatly influence lease negotiations, making it essential for both landlords and tenants to be well-versed in these standards.

Compliance with Regulations

Many municipalities and jurisdictions require compliance with BOMA standards, making them an essential consideration for property owners.

Common BOMA Square Footage Misconceptions

Despite its importance, BOMA Square Footage is often shrouded in misconceptions. Let’s debunk some of the common myths:

Myths and Misunderstandings

We’ll clarify misconceptions like the belief that all square footage measurements are created equal.

BOMA Square Footage and Technology

As technology continues to shape the real estate industry, BOMA Square Footage is not immune to innovation.

Role of Technology in BOMA Measurement

Advanced software and measurement tools have made it easier than ever to calculate BOMA Square Footage accurately.

Future Trends in BOMA Measurement Technology

We’ll explore how technology is poised to further revolutionize BOMA measurements in the future.

Practical Applications and Examples

Real-life scenarios and case studies will illustrate the practical application of BOMA Square Footage, showcasing its impact on real estate transactions.

BOMA Square Footage Certification

For those seeking expertise in BOMA Square Footage, certification can be a valuable pursuit.

Becoming a BOMA Certified Measurement Professional

We’ll highlight the process of becoming a certified professional in BOMA measurements.

Benefits of Certification

Certification can open doors to new career opportunities and demonstrate your commitment to accuracy in real estate measurement.


More than ever, accuracy is crucial in the ever-changing real estate industry. The Building Owners and Managers Association created BOMA Square Footage, which gives the sector uniform measurements to support transactions, leases, and property appraisals. To help you through every step of the real estate measuring process, keep in mind that Measure Up Corp. is available to you. Adopt BOMA Square Footage to ensure honesty and openness in the real estate industry in the future.


BOMA standard for office space measurement

What is the BOMA standard for office space measurement

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What is BOMA?

The Building Owners and Managers Association, or BOMA, is a group that has been instrumental in forming the real estate sector for more than a century. One of BOMA’s subsidiaries, BOMA International, is well-known for its commitment to setting industry standards and best practices. One of its most notable accomplishments has been the creation of office space measurement standards.

The Need for Standardized Measurement

Although it may seem simple, measuring office space accurately has its own set of difficulties. Measurement errors can cause disagreements between landlords and tenants, which can affect financial talks and lease agreements. Here’s where the BOMA standard comes in, providing a globally accepted set of rules to guarantee uniformity and equity in real estate dealings.

The BOMA Standards

BOMA provides two primary standards for measuring office space:

1. BOMA International’s Standard Method for Measuring Floor Area

This method provides a comprehensive guideline for measuring the floor area within a building, taking into account various factors such as vertical penetrations, public areas, and common spaces. It defines three crucial measurements:

Gross Area

Gross area includes all the floor space inside the building, including walls and other structural elements.

Rentable Area

Rentable area is the space that tenants can lease and occupy. It is the most critical metric for both landlords and tenants in lease negotiations.

Usable Area

Usable area refers to the space that tenants can directly utilize for their operations, excluding areas like utility closets and corridors.

2. BOMA’s Office Measurement Standard

This standard focuses specifically on office spaces, offering a more detailed approach to measuring various types of office layouts.

The Measurement Process

Measuring office space according to BOMA standards involves a meticulous process:

  • Survey and Documentation: Gather all necessary documents and floor plans.
  • Space Identification: Identify and define the different space types within the building.
  • Measurement: Measure each area accurately using the defined BOMA standards.
  • Calculations: Perform the necessary calculations to determine gross, rentable, and usable areas.
  • Certification: Consider involving a qualified professional to ensure compliance with BOMA standards.

Variations and Challenges

It’s important to remember that different regions may have different measurement standards, and misunderstandings can occur. Regardless of location or property type, BOMA standards are made to overcome these issues and offer a common platform for precise measurement.

Advantages of BOMA Standardization

Adhering to BOMA standards offers numerous advantages, such as:

  • Enhanced transparency in real estate transactions.
  • Fairness in lease negotiations.
  • Improved property valuation accuracy.

BOMA and Sustainable Design

In today’s environmentally conscious world, BOMA also considers sustainability in its standards, aligning with the green building practices that are becoming increasingly important in the real estate industry.

Compliance and Certification

BOMA certification programs ensure that properties adhere to these standards, providing a stamp of quality and accuracy in measurements.

Case Studies and Examples

Let’s explore real-world examples where adherence to BOMA standards has been instrumental in successful office space measurement and lease negotiations.

Future Trends and Innovations

The real estate industry is continuously evolving, and BOMA is not far behind. Stay tuned for emerging technologies and trends in office space measurement.


In conclusion, the real estate sector places a high value on precise office space measurement, and the BOMA standard offers a solid framework for doing so. Measure Up Corp. will help you, whether you’re a landlord, renter, or real estate professional, to ensure fairness in your real estate transactions and optimize your processes by helping you understand and implement BOMA standards. Don’t undervalue the significance of accurate measurements—they can truly make a big difference.


what are boma calculations

A BOMA Contract – How Much Does An Engineer Make

Engineers are essential to the property management industry because they make sure commercial buildings function correctly. Behind the scenes, engineers perform vital functions like energy efficiency enhancement and system maintenance. However, have you ever wondered how much these experts are paid when they sign a BOMA contract? Let’s examine the specifics.

The Role of Engineers in Property Management

The core of property management consists of engineers. They are in charge of many different things, including urgent repairs and regular upkeep. Their knowledge immediately affects property value in addition to keeping tenants satisfied. Engineers ensure a facility runs as efficiently as possible, saving money on maintenance and raising tenant happiness. Standardized contracts, such as those provided by BOMA, are essential to preserving consistency and equity in pay.

What Is a BOMA Contract?

BOMA, or the Building Owners and Managers Association, is a well-respected organization in the property management industry. Among its many contributions, BOMA provides standardized contracts that are widely used in the industry. These contracts set the foundation for fair and consistent compensation for engineers and other professionals in the field.

Key Components of a BOMA Contract

A BOMA contract typically includes provisions related to job responsibilities, salary structure, benefits, and other relevant aspects. It serves as a reference point for both employers and engineers, ensuring transparency in compensation practices.

Factors Affecting Engineer Salaries under BOMA Contracts

Several factors influence engineer salaries under BOMA contracts, making it a complex but equitable system.

Location and Property Type

Engineer salaries can vary significantly based on location and property type. Urban areas with higher living costs tend to offer higher salaries. Additionally, engineers working in specialized properties may command higher pay due to their unique skill sets.

Experience and Qualifications

Experience and qualifications play a pivotal role in determining engineer salaries. More experienced engineers with advanced certifications often earn higher incomes, reflecting their expertise and ability to handle complex tasks.

Union vs. Non-Union Positions

Engineers in unionized positions may benefit from collective bargaining agreements, which can lead to higher salaries and better job security. However, non-union positions may offer greater flexibility and individual negotiation opportunities.

Additional Responsibilities and Certifications

Engineers with additional responsibilities, such as managing a team or overseeing multiple properties, are likely to earn more. Specialized certifications, such as LEED or HVAC certifications, can also boost an engineer’s earning potential.

Salary Ranges for Engineers in BOMA Contracts

Engineer salaries can vary widely based on the factors mentioned above. To provide a general idea, here are some average engineer salary ranges by region:

  • Region A: $60,000 – $80,000 annually
  • Region B: $70,000 – $90,000 annually
  • Region C: $55,000 – $75,000 annually

Please note that these figures are approximate and can change over time due to market dynamics.

Negotiating Engineer Salaries in BOMA Contracts

Negotiating a fair salary is essential for engineers entering into BOMA contracts. Here are some strategies to consider:

Strategies for Engineers Seeking Fair Compensation


  • Research salary benchmarks within your region and property type.
  • Highlight your qualifications, experience, and certifications during negotiations.
  • Be open to discussing benefits and perks as part of the compensation package.
  • Consider long-term career growth and development opportunities offered by your employer.


Factors to Consider When Negotiating with Employers


  • Understand the employer’s budget constraints and priorities.
  • Be prepared to demonstrate how your skills and expertise will benefit the organization.
  • Negotiate respectfully and professionally, aiming for a win-win outcome.


Benefits and Perks for Engineers in BOMA Contracts

Beyond salary, engineers in BOMA contracts often enjoy a range of benefits and perks that enhance their overall compensation package.

  • Healthcare: Comprehensive health insurance plans.
  • Retirement Plans: Options such as 401(k) plans with employer contributions.
  • Career Development: Opportunities for further education and professional growth.
  • Work-Life Balance: Flexible scheduling and paid time off.


Challenges and Future Trends

While BOMA contracts provide a structured framework for compensation, there are challenges and future trends to consider:

Addressing the Wage Gap within the Engineering Field

Gender and diversity disparities still exist in engineering. BOMA and its members are actively working to address these issues and promote equitable compensation practices.

The Impact of Emerging Technologies

Advances in technology, such as building automation systems, may change the role of engineers. It’s essential for engineers to stay up-to-date with these trends to remain competitive in the job market.

Potential Changes in BOMA Contracts

BOMA regularly updates its contracts to reflect industry changes. Engineers should stay informed about these updates and adapt accordingly.


In conclusion, The pay that engineers get under a BOMA contract is commensurate with their essential contributions to the property management sector. Engineers are the unsung heroes of the field. We at Measure Up Corp. understand how important it is to pay engineers fairly and competitively. When navigating the world of BOMA contracts, keep in mind that your knowledge and experience are priceless and that you have a right to fair compensation negotiations and that doing so is essential to developing your career in the field.


Building Square Footage Measurement

The Art of Building Square Footage Measurement

Precision is essential in the fields of interior design, construction, and real estate. When it comes to determining a property’s worth, organizing a construction project, or designing the perfect living or working environment, every square foot really does matter. Building Square Footage Measurement is helpful in this situation. We shall examine the intricacies of this vital practice, its approaches, the use of technology, and the associated ethical and legal issues in this piece.

Understanding Square Footage

Defining Square Footage

Let’s define square footage measurement before delving into its complexities. A unit of measurement used to express space dimensions is square footage. It is a measure that is accepted everywhere, while some nations use square meters instead. Whether expressed in square feet or square meters, the measurement is a primary metric used by many different businesses.

Why Square Footage Matters

In building, design, and real estate, square footage is crucial. It has an immediate effect on building budgets, leasing agreements, property values, and even a space’s use. Precise measurement guarantees that interested parties comprehend the issues at hand, which makes it a crucial component of decision-making procedures.

Common Misconceptions

There are common misconceptions about square footage. One prevalent myth is that all measurements are equal. In reality, different industries and contexts use various standards and definitions to calculate square footage accurately.

Methods of Square Footage Measurement

ANSI/BOMA Standards

Commonly used guidelines for calculating square footage have been developed by the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). To the mutual advantage of property owners and tenants, these standards offer comprehensive recommendations for guaranteeing precision and uniformity in measurements.

Gross vs. Net Square Footage

It is essential to comprehend the distinction between gross and net square footage. Net square footage does not include common areas or structural components; gross square footage includes all regions within the building. Depending on the particular requirements and industry norms, the right measuring type must be selected.

Measuring Residential Square Footage

Measuring the square footage of a home involves a room-by-room assessment, considering the impact of wall thickness on measurements. It’s essential to follow industry standards to avoid discrepancies.

Measuring Commercial Square Footage

In the commercial sector, leaseable and usable square footage are critical metrics. Leaseable square footage is the area available for lease, while usable square footage measures the actual space tenants can utilize. Understanding these distinctions is essential for accurate leasing and valuation.

The Role of Technology

In today’s digital age, technology has revolutionized square footage measurement. Innovative apps and software have emerged to streamline the process, enhancing accuracy and efficiency. Tools like [Your Brand Name] have transformed the way professionals measure and communicate square footage.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Square footage discrepancies can have legal consequences. Inaccurate measurements can lead to disputes and lawsuits. Therefore, ethical responsibility and adherence to industry standards are imperative to maintain trust and integrity in the real estate and construction industries.

Challenges in Square Footage Measurement

Measuring square footage isn’t always straightforward. Irregularly shaped spaces, complex floor plans, and historical buildings pose unique challenges. Professionals must find creative solutions to ensure accurate measurements in diverse scenarios.

The Art of Communicating Square Footage

Beyond measurement, communicating square footage effectively is an art. Creating visually appealing floor plans and using clear language in listings and contracts ensures that all parties involved have a comprehensive understanding of the space in question.


Precision is critical in the fields of real estate, building, and design. Successful projects and transactions are founded on the foundation of accurate building square footage measurement. Measure Up Corp is at the forefront of square footage measuring innovation as technology develops, giving professionals the resources they need to succeed in their particular fields. Remember that Measure Up Corp is your reliable partner when accuracy counts.


How to Do BOMA Calculations

How to Do BOMA Calculations – Unlock your Building Potential:

Accurate computations are essential for maximizing the productivity and profitability of your property. Learn How to Do BOMA Calculations are a crucial instrument in the real estate and property management industries for accomplishing this. Building managers and owners can maximize the potential of their properties by comprehending and using these computations. In this post, we will walk you through the BOMA calculation procedure and highlight the significance of accuracy and adherence to BOMA standards.

Understanding BOMA Standards

What is BOMA?

One of the most critical organizations in the real estate market for creating standards that guarantee accurate and standardized measurements is the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA). Property professionals can make knowledgeable decisions and give their stakeholders transparent facts by following these guidelines.

BOMA Standards: 2017 vs. 2019

BOMA standards are periodically updated to reflect industry changes and best practices. Two commonly used standards are BOMA 2017 and BOMA 2019. Understanding the differences and implications of these standards is crucial for accurate calculations.

Components of How to Do BOMA Calculations

BOMA calculations involve several key components:

Gross Area

This includes the total floor area of the building, encompassing all spaces, even those not available for rent or use.

Rentable Area

Rentable area accounts for the space that is available for lease, excluding common areas or structural elements.

Usable Area

Usable area is the space within the premises that tenants can utilize for their specific needs.

Calculating these components accurately is essential for lease negotiations, tenant billing, and financial planning.

Benefits of Accurate BOMA Calculations

Accurate BOMA calculations offer a multitude of benefits:

  • Informed Decision-Making: Property owners and managers can make well-informed decisions about space utilization and lease agreements.
  • Cost Savings: Accurate measurements help identify areas where cost savings can be achieved.
  • Transparent Transactions: Compliance with BOMA standards ensures transparency in real estate transactions.

Steps to Perform BOMA Calculations

Performing BOMA calculations requires a systematic approach. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Measure the Property: Gather accurate measurements of the building’s spaces.
  • Identify Common Areas: Distinguish between common areas and rentable or usable spaces.
  • Apply BOMA Formulas: Utilize BOMA-standard formulas to calculate Gross, Rentable, and Usable areas.
  • Verify Accuracy: Double-check your calculations to ensure precision.
  • Document the Results: Maintain records of your calculations for reference.

Common Challenges and Pitfalls

Performing BOMA calculations may come with its set of challenges:

  • Complex Spaces: Irregularly shaped or multi-purpose spaces can be challenging to measure accurately.
  • Changing Standards: Staying up-to-date with evolving BOMA standards can be demanding.

To overcome these challenges, consider seeking expert guidance or utilizing specialized software tools.

Real-World Applications

BOMA calculations find applications in various scenarios:

  • Lease Negotiations: Accurate measurements are essential for fair lease agreements.
  • Space Optimization: Property owners can optimize space allocation for maximum profitability.
  • Financial Planning: Precise calculations support accurate financial forecasting.

Keeping Up with BOMA Updates

Given the dynamic nature of the real estate industry, it’s crucial to stay informed about BOMA updates and revisions. Subscribe to industry publications, attend seminars, or join associations to ensure your compliance with the latest BOMA guidelines.


Learning How to Do BOMA Calculations is the first step to realizing the potential of your building. These metrics are the cornerstone of informed decision-making, cost reduction, and openness in the real estate and property management sectors. Recall that precise How to Do BOMA Calculations are essential to optimizing the value of your property and not just a compliance requirement.

We at Measure Up Corp. recognize how critical accuracy is while performing BOMA computations. Rely on us to assist you in realizing the full potential of your building. Now is the time to confidently begin calculating and uncovering the hidden potential in your home!


BOMA in Real Estate

The Rise of BOMA: What Is BOMA in Real Estate

Being on the cutting edge of developments in the dynamic field of real estate management is crucial. The Building Owners and Managers Association, or BOMA, is one important entity that has arisen as a guiding force in this sector. We’ll look at BOMA’s standards and norms, their importance in the real estate industry, and how they influence sustainable practices in this piece. It’s essential to comprehend “What Is BOMA in Real Estate and how it might affect your activities, whether you’re interested in the business or are just in the know.

What is BOMA in Real Estate?

BOMA, short for Building Owners and Managers Association, is a well-established organization in the realm of real estate management. It has a rich history dating back to its founding in the early 20th century. Since its inception, BOMA has evolved significantly to adapt to the changing landscape of real estate.

BOMA’s primary role is to provide guidance, support, and resources to property owners, managers, and other real estate professionals. It aims to enhance the operational efficiency, sustainability, and overall value of commercial real estate properties.

BOMA Standards and Guidelines

At the core of BOMA’s mission are its standards and guidelines. These serve as a set of best practices for real estate professionals and property owners. Some of the most prominent standards include BOMA International and BOMA 360.

BOMA International

BOMA International offers a comprehensive suite of standards and guidelines that cover various aspects of real estate management. These standards provide a common language and framework for property professionals, ensuring consistency and quality across the industry.

BOMA 360

BOMA 360 is a prestigious designation that recognizes excellence in building management and operations. Properties that earn this designation have demonstrated exceptional performance in areas such as tenant relations, environmental sustainability, and operational efficiency.

Implementing these standards can lead to better-managed properties, higher tenant satisfaction, and increased property values.

BOMA and Sustainable Real Estate

Sustainability is becoming a significant concern worldwide, and BOMA is not falling behind. It aggressively advocates for environmentally friendly methods in the real estate industry. This pledge is in line with the rising demand for energy- and environmentally-conscious homes.

BOMA encourages property owners and managers to implement sustainable building principles and supports certifications for green building. In addition to having a minor negative influence on the environment, sustainable buildings typically draw eco-aware tenants, which raises the value of the building.

Benefits of BOMA Membership

If you’re wondering whether BOMA is right for you, consider the benefits of membership. Being a part of BOMA provides real estate professionals with:

Networking Opportunities

BOMA offers an extensive network of industry professionals. Engaging with this community can lead to valuable connections, partnerships, and insights.

Access to Resources and Education

Members gain access to a wealth of resources, including educational materials, industry reports, and research findings. Staying informed is crucial in the ever-changing world of real estate.

Industry Insights

BOMA keeps members updated on the latest industry trends and developments. This knowledge can help you make informed decisions and stay competitive.

Case Studies

Success examples from the real world demonstrate how BOMA has affected real estate management. Tenant satisfaction has increased, operating costs have decreased, and property values have grown for properties adopting BOMA standards. These case studies offer insightful insights for anyone improving their property management procedures.

Challenges and Criticisms

Like any organization, BOMA has its share of detractors and obstacles. Two typical difficulties are keeping up with the fast-evolving technology and catering to the various demands of property managers and owners. The necessity of ongoing evolution and adaptation to changes in the industry is a common point of criticism.

Future Trends in BOMA

In the future, BOMA will likely have an even more significant influence on how the real estate sector is shaped. Emerging trends like intelligent buildings, data analytics, and increased focus on wellness and safety will likely influence BOMA’s standards and guidelines. BOMA will adjust as the sector changes to maintain its applicability and efficacy.


Being on the cutting edge of best practices is crucial in real estate management. A significant participant in this field is offering standards, tools, and a helpful network for property professionals, BOMA, or the Building Owners and Managers Association. Proficiency in “What Is BOMA in Real Estate is crucial for anybody seeking to succeed in this field.

Measuring Up Corp. acknowledges the value of associations such as BOMA in raising the bar for real estate management. Consider the advantages of BOMA membership and its favorable effects on your properties and career as you maneuver through the ever-changing real estate market.