Building Scanning Services

Understanding Key Metrics in Professional Building Measurement

In the world of real estate and construction, accurate building measurement is of paramount importance. Whether you are an architect, developer, property manager, or investor, having precise measurements of a building’s size, shape, and other vital metrics is crucial for making informed decisions and ensuring compliance with various regulations. Professional building measurement encompasses a range of methodologies and metrics that help stakeholders better understand the physical aspects and value of a property. In this article, we will delve into the essential key metrics in professional building measurement that can have a significant impact on the real estate industry.

Gross Floor Area (GFA)

One of the fundamental metrics in building measurement is the Gross Floor Area (GFA). GFA represents the total floor area of a building, including all levels, basements, and mezzanines, measured from the exterior walls. This metric is essential for determining a building’s overall size and is often used for regulatory purposes, such as calculating permissible building density and zoning compliance.

Net Floor Area (NFA)

The Net Floor Area (NFA) is another crucial metric that provides a more accurate representation of the usable space within a building. It excludes areas such as corridors, staircases, mechanical rooms, and common areas. NFA is especially important for tenants and commercial property owners, as it directly impacts the leasing potential and rental income of a space.

Usable Floor Area (UFA)

Usable Floor Area (UFA) is the space that is specifically designated for the exclusive use of the occupant. It includes all areas that can be utilized for specific purposes, such as office spaces, living rooms, bedrooms, and kitchens. Understanding the UFA is vital for both tenants and owners, as it directly affects space planning and tenant satisfaction.

Rentable Floor Area (RFA)

Rentable Floor Area (RFA) is a metric that is commonly used in commercial real estate leasing. It combines the usable floor area of a tenant’s space with a proportionate share of common areas, such as hallways and restrooms, which are shared among all occupants of a building. RFA plays a significant role in determining lease agreements and rental costs for commercial tenants.

Floor-to-Area Ratio (FAR)

Floor-to-Area Ratio (FAR) is a metric used in urban planning and zoning regulations. It measures the relationship between the total floor area of a building and the size of the land it occupies. A higher FAR indicates a more intense use of the land, while a lower FAR suggests a more spacious and less densely built environment. Understanding FAR is essential for developers and city planners to ensure sustainable urban development.

Building Efficiency

Building efficiency is a critical metric that measures how effectively a building utilizes its space. It is calculated by dividing the Net Floor Area (NFA) by the Gross Floor Area (GFA). A higher efficiency percentage implies that the building is maximizing its usable space, while a lower percentage indicates inefficiencies in layout and design.

Floor Height and Ceiling Height

Floor height and ceiling height are essential metrics that directly impact the usability and aesthetics of a building. Different types of buildings require varying ceiling heights to accommodate their intended functions. For instance, commercial spaces often require higher ceilings to provide ample room for installations and equipment, while residential buildings may prioritize lower ceilings for a cozier atmosphere.

Building Circulation

Building circulation refers to the spaces used for movement within a building, such as corridors, staircases, and elevators. Efficient circulation is crucial for ensuring easy access to different parts of the building and enhancing the overall user experience. It also impacts the overall space planning and allocation within a structure.

Building Envelope

The building envelope is the exterior shell of a building, including the walls, roof, doors, windows, and insulation. Understanding the building envelope is essential for evaluating the energy efficiency, thermal performance, and overall sustainability of a structure.

Site Coverage

Site coverage is a metric used to assess the percentage of the land area covered by a building. It is vital for complying with zoning regulations and ensuring that the construction does not exceed the permitted area.


Professional building measurement encompasses a range of key metrics that are essential for understanding the physical attributes and value of a property. From Gross Floor Area (GFA) and Net Floor Area (NFA) to Floor-to-Area Ratio (FAR) and Building Efficiency, each metric plays a crucial role in different aspects of the real estate industry. Accurate building measurement is vital for architects, developers, property managers, investors, and tenants, as it helps them make informed decisions, ensure compliance with regulations, and optimize the use of space.

As a leader in the building measurement industry, our company is dedicated to providing accurate and reliable measurement services that empower our clients to make well-informed decisions. We understand the importance of these key metrics and strive to deliver top-notch solutions that cater to the unique needs of each project. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we continue to support the growth and success of our clients in the dynamic world of real estate and construction.

The Future of Building Floor Plan Measurement – Trends and Innovations

As the world progresses towards a more technologically advanced future, the architecture, construction, and real estate industries are also witnessing a significant transformation. One of the critical aspects of these industries is accurate floor plan measurement, which serves as the foundation for designing, building, and managing spaces efficiently. In recent years, there have been remarkable trends and innovations in floor plan measurement that promise to shape the future of the industry. This article explores some of the key trends and innovations that are set to revolutionize the way Building Floor Plan Measurement.

Advanced Laser Scanning Technology

Laser scanning technology has emerged as a game-changer in the field of floor plan measurement. It involves using laser beams to capture precise measurements and create detailed 3D models of buildings. This technology allows architects, engineers, and real estate professionals to obtain accurate floor plans without manual measurements, reducing human error and saving valuable time.

Laser scanning is especially valuable for large and complex structures, as it provides a more comprehensive view of the space and its dimensions. As the technology continues to evolve and become more affordable, we can expect it to become a standard tool in the industry, improving efficiency and accuracy in floor plan measurement.


Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computer Vision technologies have brought a paradigm shift in the way floor plans are measured. With AI-powered software, it is now possible to process vast amounts of data and images to automatically extract floor plan dimensions and other relevant information.

Computer Vision algorithms can analyze images of buildings and recognize elements such as walls, doors, windows, and furniture, and then convert them into accurate floor plans. This not only speeds up the measurement process but also enhances the precision of the final output. As AI continues to evolve, we can expect even more advanced applications that will further streamline floor plan measurement.


Augmented Reality (AR) for Interactive Floor Plans

Augmented Reality is another exciting innovation that has the potential to revolutionize floor plan measurement. By using AR technology, professionals can superimpose digital floor plans onto the physical space, providing a real-time and interactive experience. This allows stakeholders to visualize the final layout, make adjustments on the spot, and gain a deeper understanding of the building’s design.

AR-based floor plan measurement also facilitates better communication between architects, clients, and construction teams, leading to improved collaboration and fewer misunderstandings. As AR technology becomes more accessible and user-friendly, its adoption in the floor plan measurement process is likely to increase significantly.


Mobile Apps for On-the-Go Measurements

Mobile technology has become an integral part of our lives, and the floor plan measurement industry is no exception to this trend. Several mobile apps now enable users to measure rooms and spaces using their smartphones or tablets. These apps utilize the device’s camera and sensors to calculate accurate dimensions and create basic floor plans.

While these mobile apps may not replace professional floor plan measurement tools entirely, they serve as handy tools for quick measurements and initial assessments. As technology advances and the accuracy of mobile apps improves, they will likely become more widely used in the industry.


Building Information Modeling (BIM) Integration

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a comprehensive approach to designing, constructing, and managing buildings. It involves creating a digital representation of the building, including all its components and systems. BIM enables better coordination among different stakeholders, resulting in more efficient construction processes and reduced costs.

Floor plan measurement is an essential part of the BIM process, as accurate measurements are the foundation of the digital model. As BIM adoption continues to grow, the demand for accurate and detailed floor plans will also increase. Consequently, innovations in floor plan measurement will be crucial in supporting the broader implementation of BIM in the industry.



The future of building floor plan measurement is undeniably bright, with numerous trends and innovations poised to transform the way we measure and visualize spaces. Advanced laser scanning technology, artificial intelligence, computer vision, augmented reality, mobile apps, and BIM integration are just a few of the exciting developments that promise to enhance accuracy, efficiency, and collaboration in the industry.

As technology continues to evolve, we can expect further improvements in floor plan measurement tools and methodologies. These innovations will not only streamline the design and construction processes but also lead to better utilization of space, cost savings, and improved decision-making for real estate professionals and property owners.

Measure Up Corp. committed to embracing the latest advancements in floor plan measurement, we look forward to being at the forefront of these transformative changes. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and maintaining a strong focus on precision and customer satisfaction, we aim to shape the future of the industry and empower our clients to make informed decisions about their spaces.

Building Measurement Services

Hiring a Building Measurement Company vs. the DIY Method

Are you in need of accurate building measurements? Then, you must use modern technology that helps you get precise building measurements. Now, you don’t have to visit the field with a pencil and a tape measure. You can hire a building measurement company instead of choosing the do-it-yourself method.

What Do Building Measurements Involve?

Building measurements involve the interior or exterior mapping of structures and buildings. These are usually the details of the structural features and architectural components of a building. Measurement is sometimes considered a crucial phase of the design and planning of a construction project.

The DIY Method vs. Working with a Specialized Company

The Do-It-Yourself Method

You can use your employees for building measurements. Many experts start conducting their own assessments in terms of construction projects. A building’s as-built conditions range from a basic 2D drawing of the building to a 3D BIM model of the building. Several teams capture images on site and utilize them as references in their design procedures.

As-built conditions measurements are conducted and serve as records of what precisely exists at a particular moment in time. Contrary to the drawings utilized for deciding the process of building a structure initially, an as-built condition measurement shows what is there currently. Every building changes when it is adapted, remodeled, and enhanced over time. A dependable set of assessed drawings is used to ensure adherence between multidisciplinary project teams.

To DIY, you will need:

  • camera
  • ruler
  • paper and pencil
  • ape measure

It’s challenging to understand the space for which you require measurements. Before starting, properly measure the space to decide its size and scale. Then, draw it and highlight crucial areas like windows, doors, and doorways. Make a fundamental floor plan on paper and make sure to mark all important dimensions.

Working with a Specialized Company

When it comes to getting precise building assessments, working with an expert and experienced team gives you the best results. Those features and the right tools for the job will give you the best possibility of project success. A specialized company has a history of adaptability and can offer you measured drawings in many formats, from BIMs to CADs.

All in all, working with a team of professionals to get precise building measurements allows architects, property owners, and builders to work easily and jointly.

Advantages of BIM Technology

Although the DIY process of getting building measurements works, the question comes in terms of risk management. In terms of the DIY method, you can put people at risk and present structural inconsistencies. And this can create several issues at the end of the project. However, many unwanted risks can be avoided by hiring the right organization to create precise BIMs.

Capture Accurate Building Measurements with Measure Up Corp.

If you are looking for a highly experienced building measurement company that has surveyed numerous types of buildings with different conditions and ages, Measure Up Corp. is the right name. Contact our team today to learn more about our work and discuss your project with us.

Building Measurement Services 6

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Leader in Building Measurement Services

When it comes to getting accurate building measurements, nothing is more crucial than depending on a professional solution. Hiring a leader in building measurement services will save you money and time in the long run by making sure your measurements are accurate. With so many building measurement agencies out there, how do you select the right one for you?

This blog will guide you through the three major “Es” you must search for while choosing a leading building measurement company. Let’s read on to learn more!


The building measurement company you select must know what they are doing from top to bottom, inside and out, and from start to delivery. These factors are non-negotiable when you hire an experienced agency. Experience is crucial because it helps an organization apply previous lessons learned onsite to your project.

You must search for a building measurement agency that

  • Customizes their scope of work to fulfill your requirements.
  • Communicates with you throughout the whole measurement procedure.
  • Has worked on buildings like yours with the same objectives.
  • Can answer all your queries.

You get the service you pay for; therefore, make sure the measurements you receive are accurate.


Having a good experience means offering expert services from kickoff to delivery. The company you choose must be interested in creating long-term relationships. If you have queries or concerns, the team should be capable enough to solve them. The best building measurement firms are those with many years of experience fulfilling the requirements of top property owners, architects, builders, and contractors.

A leading building measurement service provider should feature backgrounds and degrees in the AEC industry, offering a great knowledge base. Moreover, the team must have skilled members with expansive experience in BIM. Every team member should be trained industry experts, having the right expertise, experience, and equipment to offer the information you need.

Excellent Clientele

While searching for a building measurement company, you should seek out an organization with a great portfolio. Apart from that, they should have a strong clientele as well. A building measurement service provider that has a great history of working with well-known architects and builders showcases its capacity to fulfill the highest quality and accuracy standards.

Sometimes top builders and architects demand precise measurements for their projects. With a successful track record with such privileged clients, a building measurement agency proves its capacity to deliver excellent results and fulfill the precise standards of industry leaders.

Final Verdict

Choosing a building measurement company with a proven history of working with top AEC experts is a testament to their quality, skills, and capacity to deliver accurate building measurements. It showcases their dedication, excellence, and professionalism. By choosing a leader in building measurement services, you can have confidence that you are working with a reliable organization that will deliver the accurate measurements you need for your construction project.

So, this is the right time to take the first step towards project success and let us be your partner in the field so you can do your best. Contact Measure Up Corp. to experience the difference!

Building Scanning Services

Accurate Laser Measuring Services vs. Traditional Measurement Techniques

The capacity to create and work from accurate measurements can depict the difference between projects that increase profitability and those that execute profit margins. Inaccurate measurements can sometimes require rework or higher measures, like totally restarting a project. Hence, during a project’s early phases, accurate laser measuring services are one of the basic things that can help ensure an exceptional project plan. Luckily, laser technology can help enhance measurement precision, keeping construction projects on track.

How 3D Laser Measuring Beats Conventional Measurement Methods

Here’s how 3D laser measurement can be more impactful than conventional measurement methods:

1. Precision

3D laser measurement is highly precise. The error rate is almost zero when this technology is used in construction projects. This makes it perfect for capturing accurate measurements and details, like irregular shapes, angles, and curves. On the other hand, conventional measurements can be susceptible to errors because of human mistakes, environmental issues, or device malfunctions.

2. Efficiency and Speed

Three-dimensional laser scanning can capture a large quantity of data faster and more precisely. This makes it a more effective technique for collecting detailed assessments and making digital models. On the other hand, conventional measurement procedures can be labor-intensive and time-consuming, particularly for complex or large construction projects.

3. Versatility

3D laser measuring services can be used to scan an extensive array of surfaces and objects, including hidden features, irregular surfaces, and complex shapes. Moreover, it can be utilized to scan outdoor environments like bridges, roads, and landscapes. On the other hand, conventional assessment techniques may have more difficulty capturing these kinds of features and may be restricted to specific environments.

4. Contactless

3D laser measuring or scanning is a contactless technique, which implies that it does not need physical contact with the surface or object being measured or scanned. This makes it perfect for scanning spaces or objects that are hard to access or delicate to touch. On the other hand, traditional measurement techniques sometimes need physical contact with the surface or object being assessed, which can be risky or inconvenient. After all, there is a risk of accidents, falls, and other injuries that can affect the security of the entire project and the surveyors.

All in all, 3D laser measuring is a more precise, effective, and versatile technique in comparison with conventional measuring methods.

How to Get Accurate Laser Scanning Service

Here are the major steps to follow to get an accurate laser measuring or scanning service:

  •         Decide on your requirements.
  •         Research or compare service providers.
  •         Ask for quotes.
  •         Review and compare estimated quotes from different providers.
  •         Select a service provider.
  •         Book the laser measuring service.

Are You Looking for an Accurate 3D Laser Measuring Service for Your Site?

When it comes to getting an accurate measurement for different property spaces, hiring a reliable organization is highly necessary. Measure Up Corp. provides accurate laser measuring services in New York and the creation of as-built CAD drawings for architects, engineers, and construction experts. To learn more about our services and get an estimated quote for your project, contact us today.

floor plans for real estate

How to Create Floor Plans for Real Estate

A floor plan is a 2D or 3D drawing or a scaled graph that helps describe how a property will appear in real life. Moreover, it displays a connection between doors, windows, walls, the kitchen, and other property spaces. It also includes symbols for floor finishes and electrical wiring and determines traffic flow on the property. Hence, as a buyer, you should check the property’s floor plan, as it can be a crucial deciding factor in a property purchase. However, not everybody knows how to create floor plans for real estate

If you are not sure about mapping a floor plan for real estate, this guide will discuss everything you should know. Read on to learn how to create picture-perfect floor plans for properties.

Importance of Real Estate Floor Plans

Real estate floor plans are significant for several reasons. For a start, they offer promising buyers the most precise portrayal of the size and shape of every room. Numerous buyers want to check measurements before buying to know whether their belongings will fit into the space.

Furthermore, floor plans have become more vital over the last few years. With many property owners viewing properties online first, it is crucial that purchasers can idealize how much space is in their property without being physically present there. With a precisely drawn floor plan, property owners can see exactly how a property is laid out and how compact or large it is.

Steps to Create Real Estate Floor Plans

Here are a few fundamental steps to creating floor plans for the real estate industry:

1. Select an Area

Decide on the area to be drawn. If a building is already established, determine how much of it to draw. If the building is still not built, think about the designs according to the shape and size of the area on which to build.

2. Take Accurate Measurements

In case the building exists, take accurate measurements of the doors, walls, and furniture so the floor plan will be precise. If the plan is being drawn for a completely new space, make sure that the entire space will fit into the property area. Ensure to check buildings established in the same areas to use as a floor plan estimation.

3. Draw Walls

Add walls for every room to your floor plan drawing.

4. Add Architectural Features

Start adding features to the property space by including permanent objects like the doors and windows and the dishwasher, refrigerator, dryer, and other crucial home apparatus that should be placed in a particular area.

5. Add Furnishing Items

Add furnishing items if the floor plan demands it.


Are you still wondering how to create floor plans for real estate in New York? If you want professionals to do everything on your behalf, contact Measure Up Corp. for a detailed real estate floor plan. We are professionals at helping real estate experts make more sales. Apart from creating accurate 3D floor plans, we add 360-degree photos to your floor plans. You can check out our examples online and decide on a new concept for your project.


Things to Consider for Implementing Accurate BOMA Area Calculations for a Building

BOMA standards for floor measurement are popular throughout the commercial real estate sector. It is well known as a common practice to add a reference to BOMA floor standards in basic lease language. Every reference in the lease must be specific as to the method and the standard publication year. In this blog, you will find some considerations for implementing precise BOMA area calculations for a building.

Considerations for Applying BOMA Area Measurement Standards

The process of calculating and then applying the standard is a step-by-step procedure. It will take commitment and time.

Have Your Building Professionally Evaluated

Everything in a building is assessed by square footage. Lease costs, building expenses, contractor services, lending practices, operating charges, sales calculations, and management services are all calculated depending on the building’s square footage. Hence, an owner will surely want the building measurements used to be accurate and authentic.

It is necessary that the organization you hire to measure your building completely understand the BOMA floor measurements so you can get precise calculations. Make sure to use the services of an experienced measurement professional.

You may ask the following questions:

  •         How long have they been offering floor measurement services?
  •         How many buildings has the company measured?
  •         Can they offer recommendations from satisfied clients?
  •         What measurement strategy do they use?
  •         What is the total square footage the company has measured?
  •         What deliverables will the company offer so you can authenticate precise floor area calculations and measurements?

Create a Square Footage Tracker

Although you may be using a great property management service, an Excel Spreadsheet can be an amazing solution to track different measurements for planning purposes. In Excel, you can recognize every tenant’s name, tenant suite, the leased square footage, the new square footage, and the lease expiration date.

Ensure you have clarified all building square footage, including empty suites. With the commercial building laid out this way, you can make a strategy for dealing with the variances.

Check Your Leases

Since the lease is an agreement between the landlord and the tenant, you should review and understand the supplies that identify space and building size. Does your lease language mention that the suite is a permanent square foot amount or that the square footage is approximate? Does it mention that rent is a permanent cost per square foot, or does it state a monthly rental fee depending on the approximate square footage? Does your lease language identify modifications to the suite size or building denominator? You must consider understanding your leases as you create your plan.

Create a Strategy

Your strategy will usually depend on the result of the building measurement. You should consider the lease duration of every tenant, the expiration date of their leases, the ideal time for placing the building on the market for sale, the number of vacant spaces, the building’s profitability, the targets of the ownership entity, the restrictions decided by the lender for securing a loan, and whether the owner is open to changes in measurement.

Remember these considerations for applying BOMA measurement standards to a building. Contact Measure Up Corp. if you want professionals to implement accurate BOMA area calculations in New York.

BOMA measurement standards

Understanding How Detailed BOMA Measurement Works for Office Buildings

The BOMA or Building Owners and Managers Association recently embraced new measurement standards for commercial developments. Detailed BOMA measurement standards are mainly used in leases but are also utilized in sale or purchase agreements and building agreements for real property.

Presently, BOMA measurement standards exist for different types of real estate buildings, such as multi-unit buildings, office buildings, retail space, and industrial buildings. Moreover, these standards are used for assessing a building’s physical size.

Failing to evaluate commercial buildings precisely can possibly cost you a lot in untapped leasing revenue. Mixed-use, industrial, and retail property owners must know the latest changes to BOMA measurement standards that, when utilized properly, can cause serious revenue gains.

In this blog post, you will learn how the BOMA measurement standard works for office buildings.

BOMA Measurement Standard for Office Buildings

The main intent of the BOMA measurement standard for office buildings is to allow computation and communication on an understandable and clear basis. Usually, the BOMA standard has been the most commonly used strategy for evaluating workspace for several years. Here, you must note that this standard can be used to assess workspace in both old and new buildings. You can apply it to any type of construction or architectural design.

1. Rentable Area

The BOMA standard evaluates the tenant’s pro-rata portion of the whole office floor. This excludes the building components that get through the floor to areas below. A building’s rentable area is fixed for a lifetime, and changes in corridor configuration and sizes can’t impact it. Hence, this method is ideal for measuring the building’s complete income-generating area.

You should compute a floor area’s rentable space by assessing the internal finished surface of the ruling portions of the fixed external building walls. This excludes all prime vertical penetrations of the floor area.

2. Usable Area

The usable area of a building is the physical area that tenants can utilize to run their businesses. In this space, you can locate workstations, desks, personnel, equipment, and furniture. You can measure the usable area at these points:

  • The inside of the building’s external wall
  • The common corridor wall’s office side
  • The partition wall’s middle portion that separates two adjacent tenant spaces

Many tenants assume that they are paying just for the usable area and don’t care about the exclusions. The common areas are a crucial part of a building. After all, you cannot have a roof without walls, and you cannot build an office without electricity, toilets, or water systems. The landlord has to pay for the building and maintain all areas, so they can include them in the rentable area.

3. Load Factor

A building’s load factor is the percentage distinction between the usable and rentable areas. When the building is rented to an individual, this evaluation is easy to make. If there are many tenants sharing the same commercial building, the load factor is assessed depending on their particular shares of rentable area.

For detailed BOMA measurement in New York and professionals to help with building measurement, contact Measure Up Corp. in no time.

Building Scanning Services 2

Key Reasons to Hire a Professional Property Measurement Company

There are many reasons to hire a professional property measurement company to measure your house. Hiring an expert team helps put your property on the market and measure the accurate square footage of all the rooms. These days, real estate agents in some places in New York need to show people the interior living space of a house. For this and several other reasons, you should know why you must hire an expert agency to measure your property.

They Know Where to Take Measurements

Professional measurement experts meticulously measure every level of the property using data gathered from the building’s exterior. Sometimes they take measurements from the inside of the upper floor. However, with the use of outside measurements, they can account for more space.

They Show Where Work Is Done and Where It Is Still Continuous

It is important to understand the metric differences between finished and unfinished spaces. A finished space refers to a habitable, conditioned area that has been cooled and heated. Usually, you can consider basements unfinished. Although they may have concrete walls and floors, they are not cooled or heated. Many apartments include basements with low ceilings and dirt floors; however, they are not factored into the sq ft measurements.

They Know Their Job Well

Another prime reason to hire experts to measure your property is that they have the required experience and knowledge to finish the job properly. An expert’s precise evaluation will help you decide on the budget and prevent you from purchasing a lot more or a lot less flooring. You may require more product than the real square footage of your building.

They Help Measure a Property’s Positives and Negatives

By checking the ultimate measurement report, a buyer may check out a property’s advantages and disadvantages. The ultimate report usually includes details like the property’s final market value, location and perks, structural convenience, etc. A buyer can simply determine whether or not to do the transaction according to this report.

They Help with the Sale of a Property

If a buyer is dissatisfied after possessing a property and wants to sell it, he or she can do so easily. The property measurement agency will help them decide on a good market rate by providing a range within which they may fix the price of the property to optimize their investment income.

They Help Understand the Viability of Future Construction Projects

Many buyers buy land or an old property with the purpose of developing it. However, you should always check the project’s viability before proceeding with construction. Property measurement helps facilitate initiatives and options. Some properties can be less costly, which allures buyers to spend on expensive projects that may further prove to be worthless.

A professional property measurer will gather all appropriate data about a property, and using the latest BOMA and REBNY measurement guidelines, they will generate color-coded Property Plan Books that consist of floor plans, occupancy reports, comprehensive BOMA measurement area calculations, and loss factors. If you are seeking a reputed property measurement company in New York to reap the enormous benefits of property assessment, contact Measure Up Corp. in no time.

Laser Scanning Services for Building

How Laser Scanning Companies Help in Renovation Projects

When it comes to building construction, scanning technologies can transform all kinds of projects, including new builds and rebuilds. Laser scanning companies give a highly precise and daily updated record of progress on site, with related perks for work quality, cost, and delivery.

It is seen that many reputed AEC companies globally depend on laser scanning services. It is because of the development of BIM models that are detailed and highly precise. These BIM models are used in projects like refurbishment, remodeling, or as-built construction of old buildings. For such work, 3D laser scanning technology is utilized.

3D laser scanning helps make the entire procedure of remodeling easier and more precise. It gives details of every model and the requirements for building renovation. Using a laser scanning device, the team can scan the whole building, and according to the report, they can understand how much renovation is needed for the building.

Let’s proceed further and explain the necessity of 3D laser scanning services in New York, which have made the building renovation quicker and easier!

Necessity of 3D Laser Scanning Services

In any type of construction project, proper 3D scanning can outline any possible issues before they spoil the whole project, eliminating risks for the main contractor. Here’s how laser scanning helps in building renovation:

1. Building Assessment

Building model assessment is a crucial element, and it is possible only using laser scanning technology. 3D scanning helps know the situation of the building parts, structure, or design and assess and evaluate the entire set of details that come during the renovation. The estimation involves entire costing, budgeting, work schedule, deadlines, and assessment.

2. Risk Elimination

Using laser scanning technology, AEC industry experts can reduce risks throughout the entire project. They can capture all the data with this technology, which reduces the chances of rework and the associated risk to a great extent.

3. Detailed Design Confirmation

A detailed design analysis of a building is highly necessary while working on a remodeling project. It helps create a precise 3D model with all the details and other MEP elements. BIM models are further used in clash detection and interference with the structure. Laser scanning gives access to project accuracy. It is because of the as-built model that it fully depends on true and real images of the building.

4. Elaborated Planning and Designing

Before starting with the construction work, you must assess and check the present state of the building, along with its clashes with the newly-made designs. Laser scans help obtain accurate details and dimensions. Moreover, it helps in the proper planning of 3D remodeling with high precision and appropriate details.

5. Smooth Team Cooperation and Coordination

Proper cooperation and coordination between the team members are necessary in every project. The best thing about this technology is that it creates a balanced level of communication between individuals who are involved in the project.


So, it’s evident that laser scanning technology is important when there is renovation or remodeling required in a building. If you are hunting for one of the best laser scanning companies in New York, stop by Measure Up Corp.